Dr.Steffi Jerry Mammen
Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital, Pune
Title: A study of Adverse Drug reactions in a tertiary care hospital of Pune
Biography: Dr.Steffi Jerry Mammen
Purpose: To study the adverse drug reactions (ADR’s) reported from wards and critical units in a tertiary care hospital of Pune. The adverse drug reactions were analyzed by Naranjo’s algorithm scale and Hartwig severity assessment scale and the outcomes were studied. Methods: This observational and interventional study was conducted for 6months from November 2016-May 2017 in an inpatient setting of a tertiary care hospital of Pune. The adverse drug reactions were checked for their causality and severity by performing the Naranjo’s algorithm scale and Hartwig’s scale respectively. Result: Total 50 ADR’s were reported from wards and critical units. 21-30 years age group was reported to have more adverse drug reactions. The most common organ affected is the Skin 32 (71.11%), followed by Respiratory system 3 (6.66%) and nervous system 3 (6.66%). Vancomycin 5 (20%) was the drug having majority of the ADR’s. The commonly reported ADR in this study was rash and itching 29 (64.44%). According to Naranjo’s algorithm scale, 23 (51.11%) suspected ADR’s were probable, 17 (37.77%) ADR’s were possible and 5(11.11%) were definite. As per Hartwig’s severity assessment scale, majority of the ADR’s were mild 21 (46.66%), followed by moderate 20 (44.44%) and severe 4 (8.88%). The outcome of the ADR’s was all recovered 38 (84.44%) during the study period. Conclusion: There is a need for more spontaneous reporting. After an ADR has occurred, patient counseling is mandatory. The active involvement of a clinical pharmacist to capture ADR’s and awareness can help change the scenario in under-reported hospitals.